Saturday, January 14, 2023

Why shouldn't I adopt a bitcoin standard?

full image - Repost: Why shouldn't I adopt a bitcoin standard? (from, Why shouldn't I adopt a bitcoin standard?)
I'm seriously considering adopting a bitcoin standard, getting paid in fiat, converting it, using a couple credit cards for all transactions beside mortgage and bills that can't be paid with bill pay, and then it will only cost me two btc transactions a month to pay of the credit cards.My question is, what should I be concerned about or at least aware of before going all in? Obviously there is the risk that bitcoin goes to zero, what else should I consider first? Or better asked, what is holding you back if you haven't made that step yet either?

Bitcoin, Cryptotab browser - Pi Network cloud PHONE MINING
Fone, cloud PHONE MINING cod. dhvd1dkx - Mintme, PC PHONE MINING

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