Sunday, September 18, 2022

[ Happy Merge Folks! Brew Money presents a Free Book Giveaway ] 10 Copies of Proof of Stake: The making of Ethereum & the Philosophy of Blockchains by Vitalik Buterin

full image - Repost: [ Happy Merge Folks! Brew Money presents a Free Book Giveaway ] 10 Copies of Proof of Stake: The making of Ethereum & the Philosophy of Blockchains by Vitalik Buterin (from, [ Happy Merge Folks! Brew Money presents a Free Book Giveaway ] 10 Copies of Proof of Stake: The making of Ethereum & the Philosophy of Blockchains by Vitalik Buterin)
Book: Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum & the Philosophy of Blockchains.About the Book: The ideas behind Ethereum in the words of its founder, describing a radical vision for more than a digital currency—reinventing organizations, economics, and democracy itself in the age of the internet.Date: 19th September 2022 (Giveaway Starts) - 30th September (Giveaway Ends)Celebrating the merge, we at Brew Money are presenting a book giveaway for the r/defi community! In DeFi, knowledge is perhaps the most important asset. And so, we would love to spread the love of learning.📚🤓How to Enter this Giveaway👀: Join the Brew Money Community (DM for link) to enhance your DeFi learning, and reply to this post with answers to the following two questions:​Briefly describe the last book you read.What makes you interested in this book?Your chances of getting selected will be higher if you're posting insightful notes/commentary/replies on the discussion thread.Help the community members, and you're likely to get selected.🤝😁How you will receive the book: After the giveaway end date (30th September 2022), we will pick 10 people and give a form with their details (name, phone, address, and other additional details). This book will be couriered to the address given by the person.

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