Saturday, September 24, 2022

AITA for not letting my friend sing her favourite song

full image - Repost: AITA for not letting my friend sing her favourite song (from, AITA for not letting my friend sing her favourite song)
I, 17M live with my friend 18F. She loves singing and she's great at it. We're both autistic and she is known on TikTok.Her special interest is Wicked, and the song Defying Gravity (DG). She's great at singing it and especially likes the ending. I can put up with it normally about 10 times in a day before I ask her to sing a different song as it's repetitive. It's important to note that I have a lot of complex chronic illnesses, and I'm on a lot of drugs including Morphine for it.Today was a bad pain day. From 8am to 10pm I was bedbound. Throughout the early afternoon she was recording her singing and editing it. I know this song isn't to do with her music course at all. She didn't use headphones (doesn't have any), so she was singing it, and replaying it over and over and over again for the next 3 hours.Being in this much pain coupled with the repetition meant it got on my nerves but I couldn't say anything. She was in a different room and recording. This meant I listened to the same section of the song 120 times over the course of 3 hours. It was loud so I had no way to block it out.When I got a bit better, we went downstairs to sing, as I like singing too. I just asked her not to sing Defying Gravity or another specific song cause it has an identical tune to it and it would wind me up a bit, every other song from wicked was fine though. We sang a couple of songs and then she wanted to stream, which I was fine with and we kept going.This is the bit where I might be TA, she asked to sing defying gravity again and I could tell she wanted to, but it would have really wound me up, so I said no. I could tell this disappointed her but I didnt want to hear it again. She pushed more saying the viewers really wanted it and that she wanted to sing it as she was training using it. I still said no cause given the pain that could have just pushed me over the edge of what I can deal with today, but I didn't say why I didn't want her to sing. The commenters on her livestream then started to say I was a toxic, controlling person and its her house she can do waht she wants (which is true, as long as she follows the lodging agreement that my mum (owner) put in place). I don't want to be toxic or controlling, but I struggle to come across correctly being autistic.I didn't want to hear that one song over and over. She did hum it and sing it quietly a couple of times which did wind me up a little but she didn't do the full thing loudly.I don't think my friend is TA, though I would have liked it if she hadn't hummed it. It's annoying and I probably won't want to hear it tomorrow. AITA for not letting her sing it tonight?Tl;dr: my friend sang the same song for 3 hours and then asked if she could sing it on livestream later after I asked if she could refrain from singing it for the rest of today only cause it was irritating me, so I said no and them the comments called me controlling and nasty.

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