Saturday, March 22, 2025

Stop listening to charlatans

full image - Repost: Stop listening to charlatans (from, Stop listening to charlatans)
Unfortunately it appears that most people would rather buy multiple self help books to temporarily "feel" like they are "doing" something. This makes them feel temporarily less guilty/better. But these people tend to jump from book to book, conference to conference, supplement to supplement, diet to diet, but they never seem to change. Because they are not addressing the root issue. Instead of spending money on these scams to make yourself feel less guilty, just use common sense to do something productive. Anything. Just one thing. A tiny thing. Go for a 10 minute walk. Eat 1 less chocolate bar today. Wash the dishes. Tidy up 1 room in the house.I am sick and tired of charlatans becoming millionaires and exploiting people with their "magic" diets and supplements. There is no trick. There is no shortcut. Just use common sense. Limit junk/processed/unnatural food. Eat more natural/normal food. Get more exercise. Drink some water. It is not rocket science. But instead people would rather watch 5 videos a day of some random chiropractor who makes a youtube channel with "Dr." before his name talking about nutrition with weird clickbait youtube thumbnails with text like "this ONE SHOCKING food cures OBESITY!?!!?!?!" Or some dude with a PhD that largely consisted of 1 thesis on neurons of the human eye telling you to take cold showers or other "hacks" for your mental health. Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

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