full image - Repost: Fighting back anonymous haters leaving r4pe comments (from Reddit.com, Fighting back anonymous haters leaving r4pe comments)
Hi, I’m using TikTok mostly to tell jokes or talk about movies, but since I’m a FEMALE, I often receive inappropriate comments. Usually, I just block people, but I get angrier and angrier because they are obviously anonymous (no posts whatsoever). Sometimes I try to find their identity, but it seems impossible. I don’t want to dox them or post their pictures; I just want to find their identities so I can send them a private DM and make them scared for once in their life. I’m just desperate because even though I’m tough, it’s getting harder and harder to ignore the comments, especially since I’ve realized I always try to cover up my skin every time I make a TikTok. Mind you, I usually create TikToks in the morning without any makeup, but I’m truly pissed because I’m supposed to be the strong one, always.
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