full image - Repost: A Kirby Video that Chino Spike made about Kirby and the Batamon Curse (from Reddit.com, A Kirby Video that Chino Spike made about Kirby and the Batamon Curse)
Welll. For nowadays. It looks like a sonic.exe but with Kirby characters. For now. It looks like an ordinary sonic video but with Kirby Characters. By this time. It's called "Kirby and the Batamon Curse." I love this batamon video of Kirby that Chino Spike. This time my Kirby's Dreamland 3 Rom Hack is called "An Ordinary Kirby Rom Hack". and my savestate of Kirby's Dreamland 3 is called "An Ordinary Kirby Savestate" when the batamon appears and By the way. This Sonic 1 Rom Hack is called "An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack". In An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack. You can stop Sonic.exe by smashing those monitors/item boxes. You might want to watch "Kirby and the Batamon Curse.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFjVuPLd3awReminds me of Sonic.EXE and An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack and also Sonic Oddshow K.Here's the sequel to it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71AEtYiZvGk&t=1sReminds me of An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack and Sonic.EXE and also Sonic Oddshow K.I really love Chino Spike's Kirby videos for now.
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