Friday, May 24, 2024

My Stalking Journey for the past 6 years

full image - Repost: My Stalking Journey for the past 6 years (from, My Stalking Journey for the past 6 years)
Im reading alot of "is this stalking?", or "my phone acts hacked, am I stalked?", or "he texed 3 times, is he stalking me?", and while these are legitimate concerns for the people asking, I feel maybe there needs to be light shed on a true stalking thats happening to me. At age 20, I had a boyfriend for about 6 months, but we separated when he was moved away to live with his mom's side of the family on a rez. Zero physical contact for about 15 years, but I would see him around town. Every now and then I would see him hanging around my apartment prior to my marriage but never thought of it, would say hello, chit chat then go on my way. I was married for a while, but we separated and shortly after he kept popping up where Id be. Looking back he was absolutely stalking my then Facebook page to find me. About 3 months after my separation he showed up at my kids work with his kid, we chatted, exchanged numbers and soon after I was babysitting his kid while he was running errands. The time it took for him to move in, was alarming, should've been a red flag. We were inseparable for about 6 months, but one night, out of nowhere, we were watching a movie, he lunged at me and strangled me. He was shouting "No one will have you if I cant". I blacked out, came to with him leering over me punching my head. He was leaving for camp work that day, and when he left I drove his clothing to his brother's house and texted him to leave me alone. The end. Nope. About 100 texts, and all night calls of him shouting voice mail messages demanding I be with him, I was HIS and he WILL have me, all were ignored. And were relentless for about 3 months.He would show up at least once a month here knocking, but I ignored him. One day, I came downstairs and he was standing in my foyer, and I was shocked, "wtf are you doing in my home?!" He said he heard me say "come in" and that the door clicked like it was unlocking. This is 100% not how a locked door works. He must have had a key that I thought he left here. I was scared so I tried to reason with him, I told him my divorce was really difficult, theres alot on my plate, and that we cant be together at this time. I figured reasoning would work, he gave me a hug, said he understood and that he'd back off.Nope. He would drive by my home at night at least once a month, taking photos (seen on the newly installed security cameras), he would leave love notes on my car, park along the one road leading from my home and then follow me to stores and stand by the tills watching me. He stood by the community mail boxes waiting for me to get my mail, people here mentioned a man of his description standing there hours at a time.He used several cell phones to text, leave demanding voice messages saying Im an itch he HAS TO scratch, Im HIS. He rented a place two streets over, told me he is my neighbor now in a "guess who this is" text like it was funny. Was commenting on my Instagram, X, Facebook, when Id see it was him, I blocked him but he just made different accounts, so I deleted my Facebook, got rid of my Instagram, and deleted my X. He then found my youtube and since I have no videos, he was commenting on my public song play lists in the song comment section "found you, haha", and found a few youtubers who I followed and started commenting to me on their live chats "oh you look good in your profile pic", "miss me?". He was emailing me telling me he loved me, and that Im HIS. Blocked and ignored. Deleted all my profile pics and created new youtube where I sub to no one and never chat in live chats.This is but a sprinkle of my last 6 years, I haven't included the nightmares, the fact I cant go get groceries alone, and if I dare to its at 7am when stores open so I can spot him easier. I was legit thinking he put an air tag in my car as he 100% will be behind me if I drive into the local area to get anything. We are a small town, its very easy to notice his vehicle driving behind me. I usually drive to the police station and park then he goes by, but then my day is ruined because Im scared he will head to my home and be there or break in when Im gone, so I drive home scared. I cant walk my street to get my mail, he may be standing there, I cant mow my lawn unless other neighbors are puttering about, I dont date, I dont go out, I live in a home thats locked down more than a dam bank. Alarms on every window, sticks in every window, alarms on both doors, a door wedge device behind the doors in case he breaks down the door, I sleep with bear mace beside me, and do not go outside alone ever. And no, RCMP will NOT help unless he breaches a restraining order, and by that time, I will be dead so there's no point in putting one on him, as it will absolutely trigger a full on rage response.Only saving grace was one day recently, on my way home from my doctor, he was being pulled over by three cops at the entrance of my street, dont know why, but man, my day was made seeing that I missed him, and that he was being pulled over. This was about 2 weeks ago, and I havent seen him drive by again so hopefully he got his vehicle impounded or something. I know its only a matter of weeks before the random numbers call again, the awful voice mail will be full of him, and he has used other cars to drive slowly past my home to take video/ and photos so, its only a matter of time before he does his nightly photo drive bys. 6 years of being stalked, of looking over my shoulder, of living in fear. 6 years of this and there is no way out. This is my true story. This is being stalked.

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