Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ghost Orders from Amazon? I'm being charged, goods arriving but I didn't place order!

full image - Repost: Ghost Orders from Amazon? I'm being charged, goods arriving but I didn't place order! (from, Ghost Orders from Amazon? I'm being charged, goods arriving but I didn't place order!)
I received a package today from Amazon that I didn't order, and my card has been charged over £100 for this and another order. I contacted Amazon and they claim they were made from an account in my name, with my card and using my address but a different phone number, that was setup two days ago! Logically it seems impossible for this to happen unless it was a glitch/hack within Amazon. Maybe someone placed a genuine order and their clearly decaying systems somehow misassigned them to my account? Why would someone even order goods to be sent to me and how would they clone my account?

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