Monday, September 19, 2022

Ex-Unitarians who Became Trinitarians - What Changed Your Mind?

full image - Repost: Ex-Unitarians who Became Trinitarians - What Changed Your Mind? (from, Ex-Unitarians who Became Trinitarians - What Changed Your Mind?)
Hi, all. I'm hoping that I might find some ex-Unitarians (or people who know ex-Unitarians) who came to believe in the Trinity, because I'd like to hear what led you to change your belief.Despite being born secular (I did get baptized though as a kid), I have always felt very drawn to Christianity, and I always end up making friends with Christians everywhere I go. From my experiences, I believe that there is a real power/spirit that exists in the church that can change people for the better. For some reason, despite being a Unitarian, I feel way more at home in a Christian church and being around Christians than I do in a synagogue or mosque - it defies reason. I'd like to think God is trying to tell me something, but the truth is that it's very difficult for me to believe in the Trinity against all the Unitarian arguments. In my years of spiritual seeking, I've been exposed to many "historical critical" Unitarian interpretations that I find very difficult to refute. For instance, all of the similarities between the Christian rituals and understanding of Jesus, and the pre-existing Roman mystery religions such as the Cult of Mithras. I have no doubt that Jesus existed, and I personally believe he was a prophet and speaker for God who is worthy of exaltation, but, according to historical critical research, it seems very likely that Pagan influences (such as the mystery religions) crept in early on, after the Apostles were martyred, and thus birthed the idea of Jesus as being God incarnate.As for the oft-quoted passages in Isaiah and elsewhere, I've seen pretty solid Jewish arguments for every verse that show that the quotes, such as predicting the virgin birth, are being read completely out of context. Here's one about the Suffering Servant verse, and that site has many others as well.I imagine most ex-Unitarians are familiar with these sort of arguments, which is why I wanted to ask them in particular what made them change their minds. But by all means, if anyone can link me some good apologetics against these arguments in particular (the similarities with the Roman mystery cults, the Old Testament passages being taken out of context, etc.) please do.

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