Saturday, August 6, 2022

Calling all developers, what are your opinions and experiences with various cryptocurrency protocols?

full image - Repost: Calling all developers, what are your opinions and experiences with various cryptocurrency protocols? (from, Calling all developers, what are your opinions and experiences with various cryptocurrency protocols?)
At the end of the day, these cryptocurrencies we are so frankly obsessed with are nothing more than code and protocols that require developers to develop on to become successful in the real world. Which cryptocurrencies have you had experiences with, which protocols are the easiest to develop on, which are the hardest? For example, I have heard anecdotal reports that Ethereum and Cardano are notably complex and not very developer friendly and that there may be better alternatives out there for developers. I imagine that the protocols that are most developer friendly would have greater chances of being implemented on larger scales.

Bitcoin, Cryptotab browser - Pi Network cloud PHONE MINING
Fone, cloud PHONE MINING cod. dhvd1dkx - Mintme, PC PHONE MINING

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Done crypto

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