full image - Repost: Reacts to saddle and misbehaving (from Reddit.com, Reacts to saddle and misbehaving )
(Long chat sorry!)We recently got a new horse (mare) to keep our gelding company. He’s been with mares and geldings in the past and loves company. Since she arrived there has been a lot of jealousy which is expected and fighting. But this is only around food and owners. They are happy best friends in the field, this is all under control and it has only been a month. The problem is, he is a very stubborn horse and is a breed that is born to eat! He is born to be on the hill and wanting to eat as much grass before the herd moves on. He’s always been like this and when we are out hacking he snacks but also loves to go out! We used to go miles (one of us riding and one walking beside and then take turns) Now we have been taking both horses out, our new horse is a more forward type and likes being infront (away from his back end) the first few hacks were ok, no fighting when out or anything. We noticed a few unusual behaviours when putting our geldings saddle on, ears back and some napping towards us but we tried 2 saddles, 2 girths and he didn’t reject us and we know if he doesn’t want it he will not go! He was just a bit strange, when we went out he was just head down eating, pulling, refusing to go down a path, trotting away when we asked to do something ( nearly a canter along a road just because he didn’t like a path we chose) he gives up sometimes and follows along and then it starts all over. He’s done this before a while back and we maybe connected it to the moon cycle? But we then did no riding no saddle just a bridle and walked him out and he was very pushy! Pulling us to grass, standing on our feet, trotting and pulling us along a road. So it can’t be him refusing because of the saddle. This is unlike him, but it’s happened before and has been getting worse, any advice or if this has happened to anyone else I would love to hear as we are open to anything to gain back respect!
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